SRP simple
#if Old
// THE class is doing things WHICH HE IS NOT SUPPOSED TO DO.
// its over loaded with lot of responsibility.
// customer class should do customer data validations.
// but if you see the catch block closely it also doing LOGGING activity.
class Customer
public void Add()
//database code goes here
catch (Exception ex)
DateTime.Now.ToString() + ex.StackTrace + ex.Message);
#if Improve
class FileLogger
public void Handle(string error)
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"c:\error.text", error);
class Customer
private FileLogger obj = new FileLogger();
public virtual void Add()
//database code goes here
catch (Exception ex)
obj.Handle(DateTime.Now.ToString() + ex.StackTrace + ex.Message);
# OCP sample
#if Old
class customer
private int _CustType;
public int CustType
get { return _CustType; }
set { _CustType = value; }
public double getDiscount(double TotalSales)
/* if we add a new customer type we need to go
* and add one more "IF" condition in the "getDiscount" function,
* we need change the customer class. */
if (_CustType == 1) return TotalSales - 100;
else return TotalSales - 50;
#if Improve
// putting in simple words the "Customer" class is now closed for any new modificatin
// but it's open for extensions when new customer types are added to the project.
class Customer
public virtual double getDiscount(double TotalSales) { return TotalSales; }
class SilverCustomer : Customer
public override double getDiscount(double TotalSales)
return base.getDiscount(TotalSales) - 50;
class goldCusomter : Customer
public override double getDiscount(double TotalSales)
return base.getDiscount(TotalSales) - 100;
# LSP sample
#if Old
class Customer
public virtual double getDiscount(double TotalSales) { return TotalSales; }
public virtual void Add() { }
/// <summary>
/// per the inheritance hierarchy the "Customer" object can point to any one of its child objects
/// and we do not expect any unusual behavior.
/// but when "Add" method of the "Enquiry" object is invoked
/// it leads to error "Exception was unhandled" during runingtime.
/// because our "Equiry" object does save enquires to database as they are not actual customer.
/// </summary>
class Enquiry:Customer
public override double getDiscount(double TotalSales)
return base.getDiscount(TotalSales)-5;
public override void Add()
throw new Exception("Not allowed");
#if Improve
/// <summary>
/// per the inheritance hierarchy the "Customer" object can point to any one of its child objects
/// and we do not expect any unusual behavior.
/// but when "Add" method of the "Enquiry" object is invoked
/// it leads to error "Exception was unhandled" during runingtime.
/// because our "Equiry" object does save enquires to database as they are not actual customer.
/// In other words the "Enquiry" has discount calculation, it looks like a "Customer" but it is not a customer.
/// so the parent cannot replace the child object seamlessly.
/// "Customer" is not the actual parent for the "Enquiry" class. "Enquiry" is a different entity altogether.
/// So LISKOV principle says the parent should easily replace the child object.
/// So to implement LISKOV we need to create two interfaces one is for discount and other for database.
/// </summary>
interface IDiscount
double getDiscount(double TotalSales);
interface IDatabase
void Add();
class Enquiry : IDiscount
public double getDiscount(double TotalSales)
return TotalSales - 5;
class Cusomer : IDiscount, IDatabase
private FileLogger obj = new FileLogger();
public virtual void Add()
try { }
catch (Exception ex)
obj.Handle(DateTime.Now.ToString() + ex.StackTrace + ex.Message);
public virtual double getDiscount(double TotalSales) { return TotalSales; }
/// <summary>
/// assisitant class
/// </summary>
class FileLogger
public void Handle(string error)
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"c:\error.text", error);
# ISP sample
#if Old
/// <summary>
/// the new requirement which as come up,
/// we have two kinds of client's: who want's just use "Add" method. another who wants to use "Add" + "Read".
/// it's not good idea to add Read method in IDatabase interface, it will affect current client.
/// </summary>
interface IDatabase
void Add(); // old client are happy with these.
void Read(); // add for new clients.
#if Improve
interface IDatabase
void Add(); // old client are happy with these.
/// <summary>
/// a better approach would be to keep exisitng clients in their own sweet world
/// and the serve the new clients's separately.
/// </summary>
interface IDatabaseV1 : IDatabase
void Read();
class CusomterWithRead : IDatabase, IDatabaseV1
public void Add() {
Cusomter obj = new Cusomter();
public void Read() { // logic for read
//IDatabase i = new Customer(); // 1000 happy old clients not touched
//IDatabaseV1 iv1 = new CustomerWithread(); // new clients
# DIP sample
#if Old
/// <summary>
/// the logger class is satisfy SRP.
/// If we want change logger , for example, database logger, EventViewer logger,
/// we have to change customer code, it's not good idea.
/// </summary>
class Customer
private FileLogger obj = new FileLogger();
public virtual void Add()
try {
// database code logic.
catch(Exception ex) { obj.Handle(ex.ToString()); }
class FileLogger
public void Handle(string error)
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"c:\error.text", error);
#if Improve
interface ILogger
void Handle(string error);
class FileLogger: ILogger
public void Handle(string error)
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"c:\error.text", error);
class DatabaseLogger : ILogger
public void Handle(string error)
// log wirte to database table.
class EventViewerLogger : ILogger
public void Handle(string error)
// log errors to event viewer.
class Customer : IDiscount, IDatabase
private ILogger logObj;
public Customer(ILogger log)
logObj = log;